Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site


Im leaving Saturday to go to South Carolina. I believe Josh will edit and update why im gone. Have fun with Josh why im gone and I might come on sometimes. Who knows.

8) Chewy pup            

Hi chewy pup will be leaving so im in charge my name is josh and i hope you like my pictures edits and stuff like that if you want to be my friend on cp (club penguin) i have to reconise you my penguins name is shergirl. see ya have fun chewy pup.

8) josh

Hi this is josh and i will be leaving on monday and wont be coming back for a week or two im going to florda i wont be on because there is no internet there so ya but all be back and for chewypup he will be doing all the editing on monday – monday so have fun chewypup in your editing.

8) Josh

June 28, 2007 - Posted by | Club Penguin


  1. Have fun guys and enjoy Josh!!!

    Comment by chewpup | June 28, 2007

  2. Also when i get back and we have over 800 hits ill have a party. How does that sound.
    8) chewy pup
    that sounds awesome this is josh typing this see ya 8)

    Comment by chewpup | June 28, 2007

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