Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site

Another New Level to Catchin waves

Update: My score has got better 4518 with 415 coins. I like this level

Yeh theirs a new level to surf rider and its called “Survival”. Im not postinga pic though. Just though id tell u know. But heres my new score on the new level. Just in case u cant see it its 3152 and i got 315 coins.


8) Chewy pup

June 29, 2007 - Posted by | Club Penguin


  1. hi i told ya id come
    Chewy pup’s Comment – i though u would

    Comment by Aew3796 | June 29, 2007

  2. nice site
    Chewy pup’s comment – THX

    Comment by Aew3796 | June 29, 2007

  3. cool
    Chewy Pup’s Comment – thx

    Comment by Lambo177 | July 1, 2007

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