Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site

Puffles and updates

If you have seen my igloo u would no i have 15 puffles. Well today “thank goodness” 3 ran away. I am looking foward for them all to runaway. LOL Ps. Remeber while im on vacation if we reach 800 hits i will have a party when i come back. Have fun and enjoy my new admin. Also enter the header contest. To find more about it look on my front page. Its somewhere here. Ps. Josh dont post like crazy. Just speciall stuff.

8) chewy pup

here is the header contest stuff

What must be in the header

Title: Chewy pups cp help site

Winner gets these prizes

1. Header put on my site2. ill advertice yur site3. get to be my buddy4. And an award put on penguins page

Rules ….

1. No copying

2. it must be bye 720 x 180

3. header due by the June. 30th

Rules for Voters….

1. vote only once

8) chewy pup 8)

June 29, 2007 - Posted by | Club Penguin

1 Comment »

  1. Guess what –

    they all ran away now


    Comment by brandon | June 30, 2007

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