Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site

Ok listen up

Its time to get some buisness to this blog. I was wondering if u could leave comments to go to this blog. Pm people on bribble if u want. even tell a few cp buddys. Thats all i ask in all ive done for you. And if we start reaching goals i might plan something big. I was think “become a member contest”. Ps. This is now copyrighted and if u copy it just make sure you put ©2007 Chewy pup

thx and remember If we get alot of people here “I will have a contest to be a member”

so work hard and enjoy 

chewy pup 8)

July 2, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | Leave a comment

header Contest “closed”

Im sorry to those of u who entered but i closed it.

try again next time

8) im really sorry

July 2, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | Leave a comment