Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site


Hey you guys just littening u no im totally staying and not quiting. I have asked to be an admin on a few sites and they said yes. yipper

8) chewy pup

July 11, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | Leave a comment

Decision Made

One of my friends incouraged me to stay and so im staying for now.

Continue reading

July 11, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | 2 Comments

New servers and sneak peek!

Hey penguins! Some new servers were launched today! There are 8 American and 2 Australian.
Here are the pics!
Also I got a sneak preview of the upcoming water party!
Water slide at the ice rink!! 😀

July 11, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | 2 Comments

New admin!

Hey penguins! I’m a new admin on this site! Make sure to check out my site at

July 11, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | Leave a comment

Im quitting

Im not 100% shore yet but Im think about quiting my site and club penguin. My site is just to stressful and  Club Penguin Is getting SO boring. I might go on bribble sometimes and maybe once in a blue moon I’ll be on CP. I might come back in november or December but im not shore yet. Im not even positive if I’m going to quit. I dont no do u want me to quit? I know some of you will be glad when I go and other will be like no. So tell me if u want me to stay or go. Im sorry BUT im so stressed. As for the site Josh will run it. Also my other site is either going to be deleted or someone else could have it. Continue reading

July 11, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | 1 Comment

Cool Video

July 11, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | Leave a comment