Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site


Ok so alot of new items came out today. I didnt take a pic of the New pin But its a the Pizzua Parlor on the Piano. Anyways i get pics of everything else!!!!

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July 20, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | 1 Comment


Hey penguins! I changed the time of my party to 4:30 PST to 5:30 PST!
Hope you can still come!

July 20, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | Leave a comment

Chewy Pup

Yo look at my spinnie. I may put spinnies in my stoor.

  Continue reading

July 20, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | Leave a comment

Mt 1st ever…. Animation

Its my 1st…… Continue reading

July 20, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | 2 Comments


Dear CP,
ME and my friends think yur running outa ideas. Boy do we have a list of them. Well maybe not a list but hear are some>….

1. Bring back the numbers
2. Make a Hot tub for yur igloo
3. Maybe u can have a Labtop or computer for yur igloo.
4. Blue carpet
5. Make it so u can ACTUALLy eat on CP
6. U need to make a new type of TV. The old TV’s are getting OLD
7. Make pets actually be able to play with their toys.
8. Maybe a new type of table
9. Make a house so u have 2 room sin it. Like and upstairs and a downstairs.
10. Free shoes
11.Bring back the crown with a red Gem
12. Animal Costumes
13. Make a swimming pool for igloo. Like the one thats in the Cofee shop for Waddle on water party….
14. More parties (example::: Theme park party)
15. wE ALL WANT a Private message chat phone
16. A fan for yur igloo (its summer time)
17. More types of chairs.
18. Really big::: a drivable car with a auto shop.

These ideas have been voted on by me fiends at my bribble and we have deiceded it would be a nice thing to have. Now if u could email us ASAP we’d be happy. Alot of penguins have quit becuz they think its geting ALOT boring. Me Id say the same but Im not quitting any time soon.

chewy Pup and Friends

Glad to make CP better::::

July 20, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | 3 Comments

My igloo has snow in it! “weird”

This mornning when I logged onto CP I discovered snow in my igloo. Weird. Anyways I bought a new upgrade to see if it went away but it didn’t. I was wondering if u people no why?

Heres a pic…

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July 20, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin | 4 Comments