Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site

New Glitch

Hey everyone this is very interesting. I made a new penguin named ADVERTICER. So anyways i went back on earlier signed on with the acount Adverticer and the penguin comes up named Penguin40598503. I do have pics. Its very weird. If you wana try make a penguin that is named some where around Adverticer, adverticen, adverricing, and etc.

advertier.JPG  weird.JPG


October 13, 2007 - Posted by | Club Penguin Cheats


  1. i tried making a penguin named test936 (NO i am not the real one) and it did that

    Comment by polamanu | October 13, 2007

  2. happened to me too

    Comment by SirJorgeBo | October 13, 2007

  3. cool, i met adverticer before, and thanks i was wondering why some penguins have penguin with numbers on them, wow, i will try it out right now.
    Byez Penguins _Blues_

    Comment by bluesoulxo | October 14, 2007

  4. It won’t work… T_T


    Chewy – It worked for me. It works for tests too remember like Test3410

    Comment by shama318 | October 14, 2007

  5. Hm,but I ran out of my e-mail space. T.T Thanks for helping me ^^.


    Comment by shama318 | October 15, 2007

  6. Try stuff like Betatest02,or anything with betatest in it

    Comment by star5treak | October 17, 2007

  7. Anything with test has Penguin then random numbers EG. I have a penguin named Cptesta and it came out with Penguin34882447

    Comment by yo2boy | October 20, 2007

  8. yea my friend was Moderator then he got on it said Penguin1097865.

    Comment by rulerofgame | January 9, 2008

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