Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site

Club Penguin Newspaper


The newspaper came out today and this is what it says:
They tell us what to expect in the Halloween Party.
We can vote whether we want the wigs to stay or not.
The featured game is Ice Fishing.
The halloween party starts tommorow! (Another free item D )
The winners are announced in the Costume Contest.
Aunt Arctic answers questions about the Yearbook and Coins.
The secret shows us how to find the Mine Shack.
There are the usual jokes,riddles,poems and comics.

Upcoming Events:
Oct 26:
>> Halloween Party
– Dress up in your favourite costumes
>> New pin hidden

Nov 2:
>> Clothing catalog

Nov 9:
>> New pin hidden

Nov 16:
>> New furniture catalog

If you wanna read the newspaper without logging on CP:
Click here!

October 25, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin, Extras | 1 Comment

Club Penguin 2nd Year Anniversary Party

Hey well this is late. Sorry been busy with CHEWY TV. Heres what I have for you. Have fun at the party. To me its not much important but it is for some penguins.




Waddle on


Ps. Austino is on a BREAK. He will be back soon.

October 25, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin, Extras | Leave a comment