Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site

Club Penguin Chatbox


I have a chatbox.

Soon ill pay for it if it comes popular. Mods will be picked dont ask. New background soon. Plz visit and stay on as much as popular too make it become popular again.

Chewster on….

October 29, 2007 Posted by | Chewsters stuff, Club Penguin | 9 Comments

Club Penguin Password Box


This is where you can post unwanted penguins. People will most likely ban them so I dont suggest you post them but you can. I have some I might post though. Also if we reach a goal with 100 or more penguins that work I will make one a member and let everyone use it. If it gets banned tough.

Chewster on…..

October 29, 2007 Posted by | Club Penguin Cheats | 5 Comments