Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site

About Chewy

Hey welcome to my new page which of Course is about me. Here I will give info about me and stuff on club penguin. This is a great way to get to know me better and stuff. Plz enjoy my page.

My Penguin


Chewy Pup is over 250 Days old and I started my blog at the end of June. When I 1st started It was all confusing and everything. Later on I got the hand of it and stuff. This blog Is my new blog and I got in on August something like the middle of august. This blog use to belong to Jeffrey232 who then gave it too me and since then I have been working hard on it. I do go to school so im not on as much but here is the time I am on during Mon. – Fri. I am on at around 1:00 – 3:00 PST (Penguin Standard Time). During the weekends I am on when ever. I do have CP Forums and the link is I also have a club called CPSCC. So far I have 20 members but Ill take as many as possible though. Some of my best friends include Icybretts (admin) and Trozia. Watex is also a good friend. Here is some extra fun stuff too see.

Where to find Chewypup?

You can usually find me on the server Ouback or Frozen. Acassionaly I will go on Mammoth.

CP Buddies

Usually my buddy list is full but if you see me on cp say GIDGET and I will notice you more. If im happy and in a good mood I may send you a buddy request.

Contact Me + Other stuff

Only send me emails at My main email. If you send to my forum email I most likely wont email you back and delete it instead.

Email =
Forums =
Forum email =

Highscores in CP Games:

Cart Surfer – 490 Coins

Jet Pack: 200 coins

Puffle Roundup: 303 coins

Catchin Waves: 798 coins

Ballistic Biscuit: 1500 coins

Bean Counters: 345 coins

Astro Barrier: 320 coins

Ice Fishing: 300 coins

Thin Ice: 800 coins

Pizzatron 3000: 750 coins

Chewy Pups Partys

– Fun Day Party on Saturday August 13th
Party Guests – UC
Pics – UC

I hope this helps you get to know me

Waddle on………


  1. Im still working on it. This is a way for u gusy to get to know me better

    Waddle on

    Comment by chewpup | October 5, 2007

  2. Its done

    waddle on and be shore to comment often

    Comment by chewpup | October 6, 2007

  3. Cool this will look like it will attract people

    Comment by icybretts | October 6, 2007

  4. sorry but I had to remove you

    waddle on…

    Comment by Chewy pup | October 6, 2007

  5. Well comments on being made much

    Comment by chewpup | October 13, 2007

  6. No wonder u havee so many hits this used to be jefferys!

    Chewy – Refix that. It use to be mine and jeffreys

    Comment by tanman220cp | October 19, 2007


    Comment by zizzlez | October 22, 2007

  8. hey chewy thx for letting me win. i emailed you as soon as possible

    Comment by wssw2 | October 27, 2007

  9. HELLO,, CHEWYYZZZZZZZZZZ you are my biggest famouse person!!!!!!!!!!!! hope i see you soon and you will accsept m buddy request my name is sweetgrass90

    Comment by darkster8676 | December 19, 2007

  10. chewy pup you got banned

    Comment by 60go | December 26, 2007

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