Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site



I just wanted to let you know all the categories I will be posting on posts. Here are the categories with what they will be posted for.

Catalog Secrets – This is for new catalogs on cp Clothing, furniture, igloo, pet, and other catalogs

Chewster’s Stuff – This is stuff that has to do with me forums, polls, etc

Club Penguin – This is everything about Club Penguin

Club Penguin Cheats – This is stuff that you find in catalogs or other resources on CP

CP Glitches – When ever I find a new glitch I will post it

Extras – This is extra stuff that doesnt have to do with CP or maybe it does

Partys – This is about partys I have or CP has

Well now your getting to know the categories and what they mean. I hope this helps you out.

Waddle on

Chewy & Austino


  1. Is this page Helpful to you?

    Comment by chewpup | October 16, 2007

  2. kinda….. its ok. better than mine at least

    Comment by wssw2 | October 16, 2007

  3. no not at all

    Comment by drmichael | October 30, 2007

  4. no sirry it did help

    Comment by drmichael | October 30, 2007

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