Club Penguin Cheats

Chewster’s CP Site

New pics + Almost 70,000 Hits and SOME OTHA STUFF



Lol hello. As you noticed I am continuously adding CP EDITS. I will have 50 by friday. Probably more. If you dont start commenting on my pics I will quit making them. So if you want pics comment on my pics.

70,000 HITS – Almost their. Keep it up.

Otha stuff – Fun day might be cancelled idk yet if it is I will post it on FRIDAY.

CPSCC – I might close this club down and start a whole new thing. More details comming soon.

Videos – Just a reminder I have videos. Here is my channel.

MY CP FORUMS – Plz register and post alot on my forums or I may close them down. I dont want to do that though. Heres the link. NOW MY GOAL IS TOO HAVE 3o REGISTERED MEMBERS

waddle on…………..

October 9, 2007 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , , | 1 Comment